Toshiharu Kasai - "Arm Standing Exercise"
Professor Toshiharu Kasai
Department of Clinical Psychology,
Faculty of Humanitied,
Sapporo Gakuin University
A manual of how to carry out the arm-standing exercise for perceiving your arm weight well and enhancing your sensitivity of subtle muscle control.
- "Arm-Standing Exercise for Psychosomatic Training"(PDF file)
Bulletin of Sapporo Gakuin University. Published in March,2005
while lying on your back 

at a mental clinic, instructed by Mika Takeuchi.
This exercise was pioneered by T.Kasai and Mika Takeuchi, both Japanese Butoh dancers and certified dancetherapists, through Butoh dance workshops and day-care programs at mental clinics. It has been used for "relaxation","dancetherapy", and "rehabilitation from depression" programs at mental clinics.
The extremely slow and elegant movements are derived from sublte muscle control and mind-set in Butoh dance. The Arm-Standing Exercise, "ude-no-tachiage" exercise, one of 20-30 exercises utilized in our Butoh workshops, has been described fully in English with some practical suggestions.
This exercise was introduced and used in the ECArTE presentation (Sep.17, 2009)
European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education in London
Papers for Butoh dance method by T.Kasai (PDF files):
- A Butoh Dance Method for Psychosomatic Exploration (1999) (English/ French/ Polish/ )
- A Note on Butoh Body (2000) (English/ French/ Polish/ )
- Perception in Butoh Dance (2003) (English/ French/ Polish/ )
*Detailed explanations of these papers are [here]
Butoh paper request
Please write your name and email address.
Toshiharu Kasai is a visiting researcher of University of Hertfordshire:
(C/O) Professor Helen Payne,
303 Meridian House,32 The Common, Hatfield,
Herts AL10 0NZ, UK
School for Social, Community and Health Studies,
University of Hertfordshire, UK